Gear Purchase: Blues 60 Head

Jesus-Music Background:
Semi-Professional, YouTuber, Studio

Hey Ugo, you are right man. I bought this to go along side of my Vox AC30 head for some big cleans. I figured I couldn’t go wrong with the Blues 60 but what I wasn’t expecting was the size of the cajones that this thing had when pumped through a 4 greenbacks. Takes a screamer and Like a champ to0. The Blues 60 is perfect for me. I’m glad I tried it with the Greenbacks, AWESOME. I used it the past two gigs and even my girlfriend noticed how much better I sound. Just a big, expansive tone monster. Ordering the Dave’s comp this week.

Gear Purchased: Dave’s Comp

Grady-Music Background:
Music enthusiast,collector

I’ve been playing guitar professionally for 20+ years and have never used compressors much, mostly because they color your tone so much. I had the chance to check this pedal out on Brett Kingman’s review on youtube and decided to get one right them. The ability to control the compressor ratios and mix is fantastic. I use this compressor subtly  to add a little mastered quality to my tone. This compressor will do a subtle to as compressed as you. Great sustain.

Gear Purchased: Moon Sound Distortion Pedal

Craig T.-Music Background:

Currently play in a cover band, 60’s-80’s. One of the finest pedals I have ever had the pleasure of playing through! Initially got it to cover Gilmour Floyd stuff. Now use it for everything. Total and complete natural sounding distortion and the boost is the best! Puts you way over the top for leads! I’ve got a  frigging suitcase full of OD pedals that I don’t use for one reason or another. I love this damn thing. 

Gear Purchased:  Signature 50 Three Channel

Charlie C.-Music Background:
Musician,  simi-pro, studio

I bought this off of your reverb store. Thanks. I’m lazy about this stuff. Been meaning to write you a review since I picked this thing up at the LA NAMM show. By the way, thanks for doing the transaction right there. Well, Talk about versatility. This amp is a beast. I have had it a 2 months now and have not even begun to see the end of its potential. This amp, 3 channels plus a handful of pedals. YOU ARE ROCKING. Enough said. EL 34 goodness like mama’s cooking. Punchy yet smooth. Pitch your reverb units, because you won’t need them anymore. Any sound from vintage 60’s to hardcore rock and roll. You put this baby on stage next to you and you are the boss.

Gear Purchased: Twin 40

Larry-Music Background:
35 Years of Playing, Performing and Teaching.

One of the best Tube Amps I have ever owned! That is a lot. Great for Classic Rock from the 60’s and 70’s. I use it with my Strymon Flint and a Baroni Billy Goat’s Muff. A true winner and worth every penny not to mention the great customer service. Thanks Hank and Ugo. You guys are  great.

I’m loving the 40w combo! This amp changed my life. It’s super bright, punchy, clean and loves my pedals. Thanks so much!

Campbell Hapi

Gear Purchased: Moon Sound Distortion

Josh-Music Background:
Bar gigger, simi-pro player

Just got the pedal from your Reverb store. Moon Sound is awesome! 😉
I’ve been using it, top best quality effect pedals. Thanks guys.

Gear Purchased: Mini-Amp Custom 50

Rett-Music Background:

25 year veteran…studied at Belmont in Nashville (Same as Brad Paisley… haha!)

Just got this thing on your new release. Saw a review of it on youtube and was floored. I had to get one as the guy said to stick in my gigbag for a back-up amp. My deluxe reverb popped a cap three weeks ago and I was stuck. BUT let me tell you. I’m using this thing and taking the DELUXE as a back up. The first night I ran it directly to the mixer with the G12H simulator own and I haven’t looked back since. AND the OD is phenomenal. Sounds like the real deal and I’m running all my FX into it. You guys killed it with this one! Best 250 bucks I’ve ever spent.